Monday, August 31, 2009

to add to the last post

to add to the last post..
tyler durman came to my school and told us to make the right choices and lead ourselfs in the right direction... i feel i made the right choice by ending my friendship with cinnamon.... i wasnt gonna go toward the "wrong chair" as tyler durman would say.

i hope cinnamon will change her ways..


well.. uhmmm i dont exactly know what to type soo i will write what comes to mind.. :/
here goes nothing.. ahah my mind scares me just a little.. ahah

summer was ok and got great in the end... the beginning was irritating because of stupid things...
for example. me and audrey of course are best friends, but our ex bff cinnamon has been making all the wrong choices, she got a second chance with us but she screwed it up once again... and soo we were done.. for awhile we saw her and felt bad that she was doing things to herself like having sex and shit, she said she didnt care but when i wrote her a letter telling her i would always be there for her and never to forget all the good times we had she replied with a similar feeling we both balled our eyes out but she said she stopped and i beleived her... how dumb could i have been....

you know what irritates the hell outta me, fakes, users and liars, hmmph all of which are cinnamon.
she was such a user and she admitted it and now she is friends with audrey and i dont really care but when she talks shit to audrey about me then i gotta get involved.... my friends all hold me back from her... which is good cause i could kick her ass... she got mad cause my friend guessed what she did and now shes blaming me for people knowing but she is soo dumb.
she put "my bed is waiting for you hubby" on her myspace.. how much more obvious can u get! i mean really.... she isnt ugly, she is skinny smart at times when she tries and pretty, why would u waste ur time on a low life piece of shit of a bf who has a kid... hmmph i dont know about you but thats soo stupid. she is slowly becoming what she now calls herself, a cholla and kind of a slut. i wont call her one to her face cause i cant bare to hurt her.... but she doesnt even realize how much me and audrey miss having her as a friend well at least the old her.... idk. im being ridiculous.. but whats to say i mean im speaking only the truth but she said she wants to be enemies when i dont, its bull shit and she knows it but its her life so she can screw it up as much as she wants... soo have a nice life and hopefully she will turn her life around and not end up pregnant or worse... (idk whats worse but whatever)